There are six different kinds of igneous rock. Granite, diorite, andesite, rhyolite, basalt, and gabbro are all igneous rocks. Granite, diorite, and gabbro are coarse-grained. The abundance and natural beauty of granite makes it the best-known igneous rock. Headstones for graves are made of granite. Diorite is black and white. Also, it feels rough and bumpy. Gabbro is darker than granite and diorite. It has a green tint to the rock. Andesite, rhylolite, and basalt are fine-grained. Andesite is composed of light and dark individual crystals. Rhylolite is pink or gray. In addition, it is not as common and abundant as granite. Basalt is glassy black.

The types of metamorphic rocks are slate, schist,gneiss, marble and quartzite. Slate, schist, and gneiss are layered rocks. Slate is red, gray or black. Fine-grained clay is called slate rock. Schist is coarse-grained. Also, schist is a thin slab. Gneiss is light and dark crystals. In addition, gneiss is coarse-grained. Marble and quartzite are light-colored and non-layered rocks. Marble reacts with acid and does not scratch glass. Quartzite scratches glass.

Thanks for this post. Very useful ;)